Quantitative fractography
From roughness to toughness

Laurent Ponson and Stéphane Vernède, co-founders of Tortoise, have invented a method that deciphers the morphology of new surfaces formed by the failure of a material. The method is applicable from a small fragment (typically 1mm3) of any material.

Tortoise develops technologies for the application of the patented method in the fields of material characterization, predictive maintenance and failure analysis 

Simple workflow


Broken sample

Height map acquisition


Data display

i-Lab 2018 Grand Prize winner

Tortoise was granted a Grand Prize in innovation competition i-Lab. The company will receive 330k€ non-dilutive grant from the French Ministère de lʼEnseignement supérieur, de la Recherche et de lʼInnovation


Material characterization

Prédictive maintenance

Failure analysis